Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Prodigal Son free essay sample

In addition, they taught the value of being persistent regardless of what everyone else does. Each week, some parents may also share Bible stories; one can recall hearing about David and Goliath, Joseph the dreamer, and the parable of the Prodigal Son. Over the past few weeks, the reexamine/study the parable of the Prodigal Son has allowed an understanding that it is more than just the story which focuses on a lost son who found his way back home. In fact, it displays the overwhelming display of a father’s love more than the sins of a son or it can be stated his sons. The parable is located in the New Testament of the Bible in the gospel recorded by Luke. It can be found in chapter number fifteen beginning with verse number eleven through verse thirty-two. In this same chapter, Jesus spoke of two preceding parables, one which told of a lost sheep and a shepherd’s joy, located in Luke chapter number fifteen verses number one through seven. We will write a custom essay sample on The Prodigal Son or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Additionally, the gospel of Luke records another parable in which Jesus speaks of a coin that a woman lost and spent all day searching for it. She found her coin which was lost and rejoiced greatly after she found the coin. It seemed fitting to tell another story which would show the unconditional love a father has for his sons. Although, the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son speaks of three separate incidences they all share the same theme. They all illustrate lose and redemption and shows us that God’s love is greater than anything. Within its literary context the three parables figuratively speaks of God’s love. Additionally, within the three parables the writer uses simile and allegory to further express how God’s love is superior over all things, it triumphs the foolishness of man, it delivers us from the tempters voice, and He forgives us of our rebellious hearts. Luke Chapter number fifteen, verses eleven through thirty-two reads; there was man who had two sons. The younger one said to his father, Father, give me the share of the property that will belong to me. So he divided his property between them. A few days later the younger son gathered all he had and traveled to a distant country, and there he squandered his property in dissolute living. When he had spent everything, a severe famine took place throughout that country, and he began to be in need. So he went and hired himself out to one of the citizens of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed the pigs. He would gladly have filled himself with the pods that the pigs were eating; and no one gave him anything. But when he came to himself he said, How many of my fathers hired hands have bread enough and to spare, but here I am dying of hunger! I will get up and go to my father, and I will say to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son; treat me like one of your hired hands. So he set off and went to his father. But while he was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him. Then the son said to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you; I am no longer worthy to be called your son. But the father said to his slaves, Quickly, bring out a robe-the best one-and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. And get the fatted calf and kill it, and let us eat and celebrate; for this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found! And they began to celebrate. Now his elder son was in the field; and when he came and approached the house, he heard music and dancing. He called one of the slaves and asked what was going on. He replied, Your brother h as come, and your father has killed the fatted calf, because he has got him back safe and sound. Then he became angry and refused to go in. His father came out and began to plead with him. But he answered his father, Listen! For all these years I have been working like a slave for you, and I have never disobeyed your command; yet you have never given me even a young goat so that I might celebrate with my friends. But when this son of yours came back, who has devoured your property with prostitutes, you killed the fatted calf for him! Then the father said to him, Son, you are always with me, and all that is mine is yours. But we had to celebrate and rejoice, because this brother of yours was dead and has come to life; he was lost and has been found. Luke 15:11-32(NRSV) To fully comprehend Luke’s purpose and point of views by the ways in which he reveals Jesus throughout this gospel writings and specifically in this parable, a person would have to obtain a working knowledge of the literary style and characteristics of both the book and the passage. A good starting point for biblical research in regards to a particular book in the Bible is by first understanding its theme. When we read the gospels it is easy to notice each literary writer’s description or accounts of Jesus are unique to its own because God inspired men to write what their own personal accounts of the life of Jesus was. By doing so, God has allowed us to see Jesus from different perspectives; however, each personal account does not negate the other writer’s account of the life of Jesus. When it comes to the gospel of Luke or any other book in the bible a good starting point for study purpose should begin with finding out who’s the author of the book? This information could be helpful in understanding to whom it was written, the message and its purpose. Finally, we would need to know how relevant the message is and how to incorporate it into our daily lives. The Bible tells us that Luke was a Gentile, the only New Testament writer who was not a Jew. Colossians 4:14 says that he was a doctor by profession and maybe that very fact gave him the wide sympathy he possessed. It was once said that a minister sees man at the best, a lawyer sees men at their worse, and a doctor sees men as they are. Luke sees men and loves them all. The book was written to a man called Theophilu; specifically, he is called most excellent this was the title normally given to high officials in the Roman government. While reading Luke it is clear that he wrote mainly for Gentiles. Theophilus was not a Jew and neither was Luke. Unlike Matthew, who wrote from a Jewish perspective, Luke’s gospel does not focus on Jesus as the fulfillment of Jewish prophecy. An example of this can be seen in Luke’s gospel as he never uses the term Rabbi to address Jesus, instead he would always use a Greek word meaning master when he addressed Jesus. Furthermore, when he traces Jesus descent he does not end with Abraham, the founder of the Jewish race as Matthew does (Matthew Ch. 1:2) but he traces Jesus descent to Adam, the founder of the human race (Luke 3:38). However, it is easy to determine that one of the major themes of this book is salvation and Jesus saves, and this salvation is for all noted through Luke’s focuses on Gentiles, Samaritans, and marginalized people within Israel. The theme and literary style of God our savior is throughout Luke’s gospel and within the parable of the lost son. Additionally, the best way to obtain the cultural and historical background within this message is done by a careful exegetical approach. First, we have to note that although this story takes place in the New Testament the audience in which Jesus was speaking lived under the law. So the story would not be of relevance to those who were listening. Based upon the Mosaic law, within each family the firstborn son obtained the rights to a double share of the inheritance (Deut 21:17; keep us he must acknowledge the son of his unloved wife and the firstborn by giving him a double share of all he has. That son is the first sign of his father’s strength. The right of first born belongs to him). Thus, the younger son would receive a third. For the most part the property would be left within a will effective on the death of the father, or by way of a gift during the father’s lifetime. In the latter case, any interest on the property was only payable after the death of the father. In unique situations such as in the case of the young man in this parable, even though he has disposed of the property its buyer could not take possession of it until the death of the father. This is shown in this parable, because the father seems to retain possession of the property and the family’s support came by way of the estate. This can be seen in Luke 15: 31; when the father conversed with the older brother verse 31; my son, the father said, you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. The radical nature of the sons request is confirmed by Pohlmann, who analyzes the parable in terms of the Greek and Wisdom understanding of house. He shows that the father was not rich, nor was the farm a large estate, but rather one that provided basic support for the family. The sons request for the inheritance was, therefore, contrary to the basic ethos of the house. He thus plays the role of the rebellious fool in the Wisdom tradition. By asking for his share of the property while the father was still alive, the son is, in effect, saying that he is no longer able to live in the family house. Nevertheless, the father accedes to his sons wishes, thereby granting him the freedom to choose his own destiny and live with the implications of his decision. The audiences, completely astounded at this point, are in for a further shock. The boy converts the property into cash, thereby ignoring any moral claim that his father had on the property. He has now clearly violated Jewish law by failing to honor his parents and to sustain them in their old age Mark 7: 11-14; then you no longer let them do anything for their father or mother. Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that. Again Jesus called the crowd to him and said, Listen to me, everyone, and understand this. The scriptures recorded in Mark 7:11-14 further reiterates the son’s selfish request breaks social norms of the times because such an act went against the culture of the house, thus this caused the young man to unknowingly played the role of a fool. It has not been determined as to the reasons why the younger son asked to receive his inheritance in the manner in which he does. Moreover, this parable seems to leave the door open to speculate whether or not there were possible family issues such as a strained relationship between the son and another family member. However, the validity to such a statement is unknown but, we can conclude or immediately draw from the story is that the younger of the two sons appeared as though he wanted to be alienated from his family. Such a statement is as though the son is actually saying he wished his father was dead so he could get his share of the inheritance. Despite such and odd request the story does not depict or showcase a father’s anger or disappointment towards the son. However, what we do see in the story is participation on the behalf of the father which would make it possible for this son to receive his inheritance earlier in life. Nevertheless, the father grants the request of his youngest son. The parable states after receiving his portion of the inheritance a few days later the son realizes what he had in terms of money, so he leaves to experience life in a foreign land. After arriving in the foreign land away from his father and brother, the son sought to seek pleasures and fulfillment; moreover, he lived a wasteful and extravagant life until he spent all his money. The parable was not designed to focus on or place emphasis on the type of lifestyle the son chose to live while in the absence of his father, but what we do know is it would not have been a lifestyle that his father would have approved. The father had an estate which means that the father must have been a good steward over his possession no matter how great or small his estate may have been. However, not after too long the son found himself without any money and no one would give him any assistance. With no help on his side, the young man falls on his natural desire to survive, so he joins himself as a citizen of the foreign country and finds a job feeding pigs. This within itself must have been an awful feeling, because at least at his father’s estate there were slaves and hired servant workers, so surely he would not need to feed pigs in order to fulfill the basic necessities of life. Furthermore, this type of employment for a Jew would be degrading and humiliating, because during the time of this parable the Jews were still living under the law and pigs were not looked upon favorably by Jews. They considered pigs as being unclean animals. Therefore, this job posed a conflict of interest for this young Jew; it caused him to violate his religious customs which was a huge smack to his self-worth. In addition, the job must not have paid very much. In this story, he seemed to be envious of the pigs because he was feeding them a meal while he was very hungry and no one would give him anything. Anyone reading this parable or listening to Jesus tell this story can realize this moment was much lower than a breaking point in this man’s life, but something happens and the story begins to take a turn. Verse seventeen of the parable says that when he came to his senses, he thought of home he said, how many of my father’s hired men have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! He got up headed back to his father with desires to only want to work as a hired servant and not to be viewed as a son. This man’s fall in life caused him to realize the error of his ways, but it does not deter him from doing something about it. The best decision this man made was not his plans to serve his father as a hired worker; instead it was his decision to return to his father that made the difference. As the young man was heading home the parable states that while he was afar off the father saw him and had compassion for him ran hugged and kissed him. After the son ask for forgiveness, his father as in previous times showered him with fatherly love. The parable then states the father said to his servants, quick bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again was lost and is found. So they begin to celebrate. The father specifically asked for the best robe, a ring and sandals for his son and for good reason. The robe stands for honor, the ring for authority, and the shoes were a sign of freedom. Unfortunately, while they were celebrating the older brother heard singing and dancing while he was working in the field, and he asked one of the servants what was going on and he told him that his brother had returned home and their father killed the fattened calf because his brother had returned home safely. Sadly, instead of celebrating his brother’s return the older brother became angry and would not go inside to celebrate. Amazingly, the father still displayed unconditional love towards his son. In an attempt to remind him of how important he was, the father said that I have had you here with me and all I have is yours, but now your brother is back and we should celebrate but the brother remained on the outside he never went in to celebrate with his father. The story of the prodigal son has gone down in history as one of the best story ever told of a father’s love for his sons and it is still relevant today. Furthermore, the gospel writers Mathew, Mark, Luke and John wrote believing Jesus’s messages were relevant to their generation/cultures and it would remain that way for future generations. As it correlates to modern times, we can look at the story from the perspectives of a father and his two sons. The Father, who represents God, was a loving father who displayed an ability of long sufferings. God loves us despite our shortcomings. Regardless of what we have done the Lord does not want us to not talk with him. The parable says that he, the Prodigal Son came to his senses as though the light bulb went off, something within the man changed at that very moment. He realized that he was disconnected from the person that truly loved him and with that he knew he had to return from where he came. This speaks volume because there are many people who have fallen into tough times, but they never seem to realize they need God. Our heavenly father is represented in this parable, always willing to love, forgive and restore order in life, additionally, upon our return we should celebrate as done in this story. God is waiting to honor, restore order to the life of us, His children. It is good to know despite what anyone else may have to say about our past God is only looking to celebrate our return while freeing and securing our future. Just as the brother in this story was hesitate to celebrate the return of the prodigal son; we should be aware that there will be individual who will not want to forget our past sins. Spiritually, they stand on the outside not willing to celebrate others restored relationship with the Father. The story of the prodigal son is one that reminds us that in life there are some things that we must learn the hard way. The son was aware of the traditions and customs of his time, but the father allowed him to experience the hardships of the â€Å"real† world. This experience had a greater impact than any childhood story or teachable moment the father could have shared with the son. Although, the son learned the value of his father’s love the hard way, he realized that there is no place like home. Spiritually, being home is to know that God loves us regardless of our many sins and that if we confuse them, He will restore us to a right relationship with him. References:

Monday, November 25, 2019

Global warming Essays (1071 words) - Climate Change, Global Warming

Global warming Essays (1071 words) - Climate Change, Global Warming Aim To investigate how humans are contributing to climate change, the effect of this on social, environmental and political situations around the world and how organisations are trying to better manage the situation. Global warming Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earths atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earths climate. Even though it is an ongoing debate, it is proved by the scientists that the planet is warming. The earth gets heat from the sun. As Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, traps this heat and keeps it from escaping back to outer space. Due to burning fusil fuel such as oil, gas and coal people all around the world are adding extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Thus this extra carbon dioxide is emitted in the atmosphere, the heat energy from the sun will be strongly insulated with the carbon dioxide - causing the Earth's surface to become much warmer hence "global warming." The polluting carbon dioxide can make Earth's climates warmer. Social consequence of climate change India - 2009 There are some social consequences of climate change .Climate change will act as a multiplier of existing threats to food security: It will make natural disasters more frequent and intense, land and water more scarce and difficult to access, and increases in productivity even harder to achieve. The implications for people who are poor and already food insecure and malnourished are immense. The existing inequities in food security, food safety and nutrition are likely to be further widened by the adverse consequences of climate change. Adapting food production systems has the potential to significantly increase the resilience of poor farmers to changing climate conditions. However, the vast majority of the 1 billion undernourished people do not have sufficient capacities and resources in order to adapt to or cope with the risks posed by climate change. Loss of food, water or even job makes people to move from their place or even their country. Environmental consequence of climate change Climate change is already having an impact on biodiversity, and is projected to become a progressively more significant threat in the coming decades. Loss of Arctic sea ice threatens biodiversity across an entire biome and beyond. The related pressure of ocean acidification, resulting from higher concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, is also already being observed. Ecosystems are already showing negative impacts under current a level of climate change which is modest compared to future projected changes. In addition to warming temperatures, more frequent extreme weather events and changing patterns of rainfall and drought can be expected to have significant impacts on biodiversity. For instance in South America, Sea turtles lay their eggs on Brazilian beaches, many of which are threatened by rising sea levels. Climate change also threatens the offspring of sea turtles, as nest temperature strongly determines the sex: the coldest sites produce male offspring, while the warmer sites produce female offspring. This nest-warming trend is reducing the number of male offspring and seriously threatens turtle populations. Political consequence of climate change There are some political consequences of climate change. At the centre of the governments policy on climate change is pricing carbon. Many commentators and politicians have referred to this as a carbon tax. The idea is that polluters will pay per tonne of carbon they release into the atmosphere. This cost will initially be set at $23, and increase gradually until 2015, when we will shift to a trading scheme that will let the market set the cost. This is widely thought of as the most effective and least costly mechanism to reduce carbon output and reduce the level of climate change that is occurring. There is a question that people often ask why should Australia act to reduce their carbon pollution when other countries are not. The reality is that many other countries have already made huge steps towards reducing their carbon output, and that includes developing nations like China. Countries have started this transformation to take advantage of the economic opportunities stemming from the next stage of global development that will be powered by clean energy. Nowadays we are starting to see the

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Choose a Technology that you think should be improved or developed Essay

Choose a Technology that you think should be improved or developed - Essay Example This later saw other manufactures come in to the field of designing better vehicles rather than a horse drawn carriage which was fitted with engine. It was until the year 2005 that the USA led the world in total automobile production. Before the great depression in 1929, the whole world is known to have had approximately 32m automobiles in operation whereby, the US contributed to 90% of this total production. (Bajaria, 2001). An automobile is a wheeled motor vehicle whose role is to transport passengers and goods from one point to another which carries its own engine. We cannot fail to mention the role which these automobiles have played towards the growth of our economies. In the field of transport, goods and services can be transported from one region to another. Trade has been enabled here between countries since goods are exported and also imported hence customers are in a position to enjoy a wide variety of products in the market. Basically, automobiles are designed to run on roads, most of them have more than one wheels, and have seats for passengers to sit on. This is one of the advanced technologies so far. This is because, you find that it is out of the introduction of these cars then that people are in a position to move from one town to another and even from one country to another. This technology has many advantages than its disadvantages though it can also be improved. Most of these vehicles move on roads and our argument here will be based on the cars which move on roads. (Bajaria, 2001). Around the whole world, there are approximately 807 million light trucks and cars in our roads. This was out of a research which was carried in a sample of countries around the world in the year 2007 which were consuming over 260 billion US gallons of diesel and gasoline fuel around the year. The table below show how important this technology has been. In India, the table below shows

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Why cambrige college lladd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Why cambrige college lladd - Essay Example Flexible timings of Cambridge College would facilitate me to improve my education and learn necessary skills. Working population today faces more challenges and therefore they need to expand their horizon of knowledge through continuous learning for new skills and competencies. The evening classes of Cambridge College are not only convenient for working adults but it also offers excellent academic programs and opportunities of personal development. By enrolling for the part time professional academic program, I would be able to improve my job prospects. I am highly ambitious and my long term goal is to become senior Director of the firm I am working in. The evening academic program would significantly add value to my skills and knowledge. It would thereby equip me with informed choices so that I would be able to make more efficient and effective decisions in my personal and professional arena. I am confident that the part time program from Cambridge College would help me realize my

Monday, November 18, 2019

Open Source and Open Standards in Ecommerce Assignment

Open Source and Open Standards in Ecommerce - Assignment Example These types of services are offered to cover against system problem, help, mitigation and training. The revenue generation is offered through presenting some contractual aspects (GBdirect Ltd, n.d). 8 Saint-Andre (2009) has answered the question and stated that open source technology and products often rely on open protocols standards, for example Mozilla with HTML/JavaScript/CSS, Apache with HTTP, Sendmail with SMTP. In this scenario we can assess that the proprietary products and systems are also doing the similar job. In this regard the open source technology developers need to confirm the platforms efficiency to offer the user a better and enhanced experience. Therefore open source developer need to fulfill all the quality standards of the open standards. However small development firms and software houses are restricted to construct a closed implementations as well as consequently they are not fixed to limitations of licenses for example GPL (Saint-Andre, 2009). Saint-Andre (2009) has stated that a number of people thought that, the W3C or IETF supports a format or protocol; it consequently turned out to be a standard. However standardization is not an issue of authorization ; however it is a concern of recognition in the marketplace. Not the entire of standards are open (for instance, PowerPoint or MS Word). Despite the fact that, when formats as well as protocols are coming under the open standards, then open standards applications are technically strong typically be liable to be established through the marketplace like a standard. Certainly, a certain application or protocol turns out to be not simply a standard however the leading marketplace maker. For instance, Apache is the leading web server. It new protocol HTTPng was unsuccessful to grab sufficient market because it was not fully supporting Apache community. A powerful open source "anchor" facilitates to guarantee the openness of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Samarco Dam Collapse

The Samarco Dam Collapse The Biggest Brazilian Environmental Disaster Introduction    When a natural catastrophe happens, it always catches the attention of people around the world. Therefore, this research was the place where information was collected about the greatest environmental disaster that occurred in the history of Brazil, which affected the lives of many Brazilians. This report aims to show the damage caused to the population and the environment, besides the neglect of these large companies with the population Methodology This report is constituted of research and collection of information of news, and informative reports about the biggest environmental disaster in the history of Brazil. The Disaster On November 5, 2015, the greatest environmental disaster occurred in the history of Brazil. This tragedy occurred at the small historic town of Mariana in the interior of the state of Minas Gerais. The Fundà £o dam, which was the responsibility of the mining company Samarco, failed, causing the leakage of approximately 62 million cubic meters of mud from the tailings, a huge tsunami In total 19 people died, hundreds of buildings were destroyed and left families homeless. The largest volume leakage of material dumped by dams of mining rejects of all time, also caused the pollution of the Doce river and environmental damage that extended to the states of Espà ­rito Santo And Bahia. (O Globo,2016) The village that was destroyed by the mine collapse (The Argentina Independent,2016) The mudslide tsunami reached 39 cities in three Brazilian states. As a result of this disaster more than 11 tons of fish were killed. The fauna and flora in the Rio Doce Basin became even more vulnerable. Ecosystem and species already threatened by predatory activities, impacts from industry, agriculture and mining are now at risk of extinction.(O Globo, 2016) The Results Samarco is controlled by Vale and the Australian company BHP Billiton, which accounts for 2% of the world production of pellets (steel balls used in steel production), is also one of the largest exporters in Brazil. (, 2016) The Fundà £o dam used the hydraulic landfill system. The preliminary reports showed that the main hypothesis for the accident, according to experts, is that a liquefaction (process has occurred, rather than Ejecting, retaining water), leading to the transformation of the sand into mud and a sudden variation in the internal pressure of the tailings deposit, making it unable to contain the waste. Shortly before the accident, the University of Sà £o Paulos Seismology Center (USP) recorded four small earthquakes. (O Globo, 2016) Almost a year after the disaster, a re-issue was announced with the possible causes of the breach of the reservoir, BHP commercial director Dean Dalla Valle said there is no evidence that anyone had put production ahead of safety or reason to believe that someone from BHP had indicated that the dam was in danger. The purpose is to determine the cause of the failure and not blame, (, 2016) said Dalla Valle, denying that BHP or Vale had information about the prospects for a disaster. Youre not hiding any of it its there for all to see. (, 2016) In the report, it was found that the rupture of the dam was caused by structural defects that prevented drainage. Despite the results, Samarco denies irregularities. It is clear that despite the results presented the company remains concerned about its own profits rather than being worried about predicting future disasters. According to The Argentina Independent, the 76 pages of the report showed that the dam rupture was caused by problems in the drainage project. Furthermore a small earthquake on the day the dam also could have accelerated the failure, according to the report. Besides that a separate police investigation also accused mining company Samarco of intentional misconduct, claiming the company ignored signs that a dam was at risk of collapse. Samarco has already been fined 250m reals ( £64m) by Ibama (Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources) and 112m reals ( £28m) by Semad (Minas Gerais state governments environment agency). (, 2016) Conclusion Even the disaster had occurred in the Rio Doce basin affecting a small part of a country as big as Brazil the disaster is far from over for the people living in those places. Douglas Krenak explains: Those affected continue to suffer, public health is precarious, The social system is precarious, its going down, this tragedy is creating problems now and it will create more in the future( The Argentina Independent, 2016). Although this story is far from over, what is expected to be responsible for the damage to the population and the environment. So that in the future the companies will invest more in the development of new technologies in their works foreseeing a greater security so that disasters like this one never happen again Bibliography The Guardian (2016, October15) Samarco dam collapse: one year on from Brazils worst environmental disaster Retrived February 27,2016, from: O Globo(2016, November 11) Maior desastre ambiental do Brasil, Tragà ©dia de Mariana deixou 19 mortos Retrived February 27,2016, from: The Argentina Independent(2016, april 7) The Forgotten Tragedy: Revisiting Brazils Worst Ever Retrived February 28,2016, from: Insurance Journal(2016, august 30) Brazil Mine Disaster Caused by Poor Drainage Design of Tailings Dam: Report Retrived February 28,2016, from:, september 1) BHP on fatal Brazil dam burst report: Were not hiding any of it Retrived February 29,2016, from:

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Rich, Adrienne. Midnight Salvage: Poems 1995-1998. NY: W.W. Norton & Co

Rich, Adrienne. Midnight Salvage: Poems 1995-1998. NY: W.W. Norton & Co., 1999. A Physical Conversation Adrienne Rich writes a long conversation, in A Long Conversation, with multiple and fluid dialogues. Interpretations of these dialogues are rich, thick and endless. Her dialogues include a conversation between past and present times, between past and present theories, between great minds and regular people, between the subject and creation of art and its place in time, and the conversation of the physical. For Rich, the physical is not just body to body, but also mind to body, and body to time. In recognizing that the physical is just as fluid a dialogue as verbal communication, Rich explores a long physical conversation and gives it new meaning in each of the many sections of the poem. Body to body and heart to heart. Physical communication goes beyond the typical interpretation of sex and can be an internal process. Rich starts her poem with such an acknowledgement, â€Å"-warm bloom of blood in the child’s arterial tree† (53). This first line helps to establish life – the life of a child and the life of the poem. The tree in itself gives solidity in genealogical meaning - generations have come before and generations will follow. The blood in the child’s arterial tree expands out and gives life to all the body, the body that will later/always participate in the long conversation of life. A few lines down, Rich makes reference to death from cold, a throwback to phrases said to kids, â€Å"Come out of the cold, you’ll catch your death.† This cold could freeze the â€Å"bloom of blood,† but what would a child know of that physical interaction. For a child, life is the ball game that he/she is playing, causing â€Å"co lor still high in your... ...inally, Rich paints a picture of beauty in what could be called physical decay. One of the last stanzas says and asks, â€Å"In the dark windowglass/ a blurred face/ - is it still mine?† (69). The blurred face is as much old age as a difficulty grasping the passing of time and seeing the change. The physical identities and actions that occur throughout a lifespan make it difficult to determine the current identity and physically it is hard to believe. Rich makes the physical imagery come full cycle in showing the physical nature of time and communication. The body learns communication in youth and from there fine tweaks and fluidly melds the process physically as much as mentally to carry on life’s long conversation about the world and mankind at large. Looking back from the edge of the end, the journey might be blurred, but there is clarity and beauty in the process. Rich, Adrienne. Midnight Salvage: Poems 1995-1998. NY: W.W. Norton & Co Rich, Adrienne. Midnight Salvage: Poems 1995-1998. NY: W.W. Norton & Co., 1999. A Physical Conversation Adrienne Rich writes a long conversation, in A Long Conversation, with multiple and fluid dialogues. Interpretations of these dialogues are rich, thick and endless. Her dialogues include a conversation between past and present times, between past and present theories, between great minds and regular people, between the subject and creation of art and its place in time, and the conversation of the physical. For Rich, the physical is not just body to body, but also mind to body, and body to time. In recognizing that the physical is just as fluid a dialogue as verbal communication, Rich explores a long physical conversation and gives it new meaning in each of the many sections of the poem. Body to body and heart to heart. Physical communication goes beyond the typical interpretation of sex and can be an internal process. Rich starts her poem with such an acknowledgement, â€Å"-warm bloom of blood in the child’s arterial tree† (53). This first line helps to establish life – the life of a child and the life of the poem. The tree in itself gives solidity in genealogical meaning - generations have come before and generations will follow. The blood in the child’s arterial tree expands out and gives life to all the body, the body that will later/always participate in the long conversation of life. A few lines down, Rich makes reference to death from cold, a throwback to phrases said to kids, â€Å"Come out of the cold, you’ll catch your death.† This cold could freeze the â€Å"bloom of blood,† but what would a child know of that physical interaction. For a child, life is the ball game that he/she is playing, causing â€Å"co lor still high in your... ...inally, Rich paints a picture of beauty in what could be called physical decay. One of the last stanzas says and asks, â€Å"In the dark windowglass/ a blurred face/ - is it still mine?† (69). The blurred face is as much old age as a difficulty grasping the passing of time and seeing the change. The physical identities and actions that occur throughout a lifespan make it difficult to determine the current identity and physically it is hard to believe. Rich makes the physical imagery come full cycle in showing the physical nature of time and communication. The body learns communication in youth and from there fine tweaks and fluidly melds the process physically as much as mentally to carry on life’s long conversation about the world and mankind at large. Looking back from the edge of the end, the journey might be blurred, but there is clarity and beauty in the process.